Positioning in writing
Interaction Design Theory Seminar 20 || Session 3
This weeks class was focused on the relevance of past manifestos (pre 1910) to the present day.
On my research I stumbled upon the Futurist Manifesto by Filippo Marinetti. It was first published in Italy in June 1909.
I see the relevance of this manifesto on different layers. Of course, one parallel that can be drawn is the technological advancement then and now. In 1909 mass printing has allowed their message to be spread across borders more quickly ever before. Similarly it is with the new scale of information exchange we are currently witnessing, spreading to an even large scale of people. This information flow, while inspiring and opening doors to new opportunities to be seized, also make you wonder about the truthfullness of these messages. It feels now everybody tries to push their ideologies on you because everybody can publish whatever they like online. We all know that you mustn’t trust everything what is said on the internet, however, how come so many fall victim to this? How does our mind play tricks on us, and why do we allow it to? This is obviously not a completely new concept, this is something we as humans all have had some touch points and which has occupied my mind while reading through the manifesto. There it is more the context and the ambiguety art offers for Marinetti to reach his goal.
Another relevant point that struck out was the desire or need to question traditions. A tradition, according to Wikipedia, comes from the latin word tradere which means to transmit, to hand over, to give for safekeeping. The way we are brought up differs from region to region and largely contributes in shaping us as human. Traditions are charged with a variety of emotions, giving a sense of security or nostalgia for better days. Especially here it is essential to question our actions that we have been doing for so long. Does this make sense? Is this fair? Am I causing harm to others? Taking our food habits as an example. Twenty years ago, if someone said they are vegetatians, they’d received looks of confusion, disbelief or utter shock. Meat used to be an intergral part of the diet of our ancectors, not meaning our cavemen ancestors. Today it is, like a lot of other things, a commodity but in recent years, people have started to question the consumption of it and brought about a massive shift in the way we eat.
What I’m trying to convey is that although it is uncomfortable and maybe even painful to question your own actions and hold yourself accountable, it can be truly revolutionary.
I am an earthling alongside 7.594 billion others. I have been one for 26 years. I’ve coexisted and crossed paths with but a tiny fraction of those people. Some have had more of an impact than others. I am a daughter, a friend and a partner. I am a clumsy optimist, often tripping over my thoughts because sometimes they are faster than my brain and I’m not into cardio. I am empathetic and often feel too much for my own good. If someone’s crying I have no choice but to join. I’m lifting weights for fun. I am dedicated. I am my choices.
Being in a dynamic environment where ideas are born and buzz through the air. Most likely? I don’t really know the answer to that, though I know that 3 years ago I’ve made the switch to design because I did want to create things, and not just study them by heart. I want to learn from people and keep getting better at whatever it is I end up doing. I have to start somewhere but where this journey will lead me is open.
My brain hurts and my eyes keep shutting.